Funeral Services

Flowers during a casket service in Singapore

We understand how difficult it is to cope with the loss of a loved one. However, death is an inevitable stage of life and we have to prepare for it. With our affordable funeral services in Singapore, we aim to alleviate the grieve and pain of bereaved families.

We provide one-stop funeral services at our own funeral homes (funeral parlours), churches, other funeral homes, HDB void decks, landed properties, and open spaces.

Our funeral services include embalming & make-up, quality caskets & urns, traditional layers clothing, praying items, religious blankets, transportation, food catering, flowers & wreaths, photo enlargement, obituary placement, and sea burial in Singapore.

Funeral Services For All Religions

Our Singapore funeral services are professional & personalised for all religions based on their individual funeral ceremonial rites. We are also able to take into consideration the wishes of the deceased and the bereaved family if needed.

Our Services

Product and services

Simplicity Casket Pte Ltd offers a comprehensive range of affordable funeral services including caskets, urns, hearse or coach transportation, embalming & make up, handcrafted paper models, flowers, catering services, videography & photography, monk, nun or priest chanting, photo enlargement, obituary, sea burial services in Singapore.

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Tentage and parlour

We provide affordable funeral services at funeral homes, HDB void decks, open-space tentages, landed properties and churches. We tailor and customize our funeral service packages to suit our customer’s needs in accordance with their respective cultures and religions.

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Gemstone Services

Gem Stone is a special memorial keepsake, honouring the memory of the loved one.

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Showcase of Our Services

Let Us Help You Cope With Grief

Let Simplicity Casket help you get through these stages with our affordable funeral services in Singapore.
Contact us today at (65) 6456 7423.